Nov 132020

At 4 weeks old:

  1. The puppies have a new sleep area and during the day they have a play area. Chandler would really like to play with them, but he has to observe from outside the xpen.
  2. Potty training has begun. It’s surprising how many times the puppies toddle over to the puppy pad and do their business.
  3. They have been introduced to the brush and comb. It’s never too early to start!
  4. Hair has been cut around their eyes and other strategic places.
  5. Playtime is not new, but it is getting more ferocious. They are FIERCE!
  6. They have begun to teethe.
Gray Boy plays hard and sleeps hard. At 4 weeks, he is the largest and the most advanced.
Brothers Blue (on left) and Green are #2 and #3 weight-wise. I love watching their personalities develop. Blue was the first to go through the tunnel, and he is the first to climb out of the sleeping box. I have to figure out a way to keep him secure with his siblings.
Orange girl is on the left, Pinky on right. One of Pinky’s brothers was picking on her, and she got quite mad and told him off. Puppies learn acceptable behavior from each other.

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  3 Responses to “What’s New This Week?”

  1. I just can’t get over how fast they are growing. It’s cute to read how their personalities are starting to show.

  2. I love them all!!! Can you just send me a video of the noises they make? LOL!

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